
Welcome to Little Eco Gifts

The small blog with lots of eco gift ideas to make a difference!

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World Kindness Day

Today, 13th November, is World Kindness Day, a day that since 1998 has been marked globally as a coming together of different nations. Kindness is something universal, according to the dictionary: The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. It is interesting that it is defined as a personal attribute and really it is a…

Candy Kittens

It’s coming up to that time of the year again when we have 3 family birthdays in one weekend, I guess that wasn’t the best family planning? Birthday celebrations feel a big deal this year having not been able to celebrate properly last year due to the pandemic. Our eldest son has opted for a…

Bouncy Castle Beach Bag

I always love a gift that that that has been created from something that would have otherwise have been destined for landfill. Wyatt and Jack are a great example of making new products from rescued materials. They take broken bouncy castles, old deckchairs and beach inflatables and transform them into all sizes of bags and…

Milk and More

As part of Plastic Free July, it’s a good opportunity to evaluate just how much plastic we are personally using. Recently, as part of a Brownie’s badge, my daughter had to do an audit on the household waste. It was shocking to see that in just 7 days, we had over 100 items in the…

Plastic Free July

The month of July is designated to raising awareness of the problems with plastic and global movement to reduce the use of single use plastics. Plastic Free July is a call to be part of the solution to plastic pollution. According to a recent BBC news article: An estimated 1.3 billion tonnes of plastic is…

Dad’s Pork Pie

For Father’s Day this year, I chose to treat both my dad and my husband (daddy of our three) to a Fortnum and Mason’s pork pie. Sometimes Dad’s need a little luxury treat too? Pork pies are a traditional English snack dating back to medieval times when using a hot crust pastry was a way…


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